Went for our 28th week check up at the gynae yesterday and alls well. Baby is growing and he is now 980grams. Dr Tan did a 3D scan of the baby, initially when doc did a frontal scan, baby's face was so puffy and scary - looked like a puddgy potato! Later he told me to stay still and manage to capture a cute side profile of the lil babe. Can u see him? My mom and sis still can't see him. He looks like in a thinking position with his hand on his forehead, his eyes are closed and u can see his nose, mouth and chubby cheeks!
Oh and I gained another 1.5kg - phew! Must try to curb the carbo intake... Had to also take a flu vaccine today since we're heading to Bali in 2 weeks time.
His Vital Stats @ 28 wks:
BPD: 68mm
AC: 216mm
FL: 52mm
Weight: 980grams