The boy is into his 4th month today! His daily schedule is now more or less settled with 2-3 naps and 5 feeds a day. He's really getting more and more vocal and noisy. He's into exercising his vocal cords by "screaming" and squealing. He still loves to put his hands/fists in his mouth and suck/munch on them, since than we have gotten him the teether to munch instead of his hands, but he still can't hold very well on it so we still need to assist him. He likes to look at things that make noises ie. rattles/musical toys, so he can lie and his gym mat for quite sometime before getting bored. The boy now prefers to sit upright as well as be carried upright instead of lying flat. Anyways he has been trying to roll / flip over to his tummy but can only do 1/2 - 3/4, think very soon he'll be able to flip - that's when we really have to be extra watchful of him.
- Recognizes your face and scent
- Holds head steady
- Smiles, laughs
- Can bear weight on legs
- Coos when you talk to him
- Can grasp a toy
Daily Schedule :
630/7am - Milk 170 ml
830am - Bathtime
10am - Nap (30-45mins)
11am - Milk 170 ml12pm - Nap (2hrs)
3pm - Milk 170 ml
4pm - Nap (30mins)
6pm - Washup
7 pm - Milk 170 ml & Bedtime
Superduper Jasper! |