Saturday, March 26, 2011

His First Car

The boy insisted on sitting on the car when he saw his sister on it - he was "screaming" at her after staring at her on the car for sometime! Being a nice and generous sister she offered to let him sit on the car while she sat on her bicycle. He was so happy and immediately grab onto the steering wheel without prompting or help, I forsee he will like cars next time....

Steady Bom Pi Pi, can hold on steering wheel himself!

Jie, let's race, Ready Get Set Go!

Jasper @ 7 mths

The boy has been eating well since we've started him on his semi-solids, he can now swallow much better.  He likes avocados and fruits, recently I've introduced baby yogurt and he seems to enjoy it.  He still loves to put all objects into his mouth and gets excited when he see you holding something.  He's a very happy baby and readily gives you a big smile whenever you call his name & smile at him.

Physically and mentally
• Looks for something that has dropped

• Holds chest up with arm support
• Sits well

• Feeds himself his teething biscuit
• Work for a toy out of reach
• Crawls backwards  and moves in circles
Language and emotions
• Recognises name and other familiar sounds such as favourite music• Begins to understand meaning of “No”
Started to experience a bit of stranger  anxiety

Daily Schedule:
6am - Milk 150 ml
7/730am - Wake Up
800am - Bathtime
9am - Breakfast (Oats/Yoghurt + Fruit Puree)
10/1030am - Milk 120 ml
Nap (45mins)
12pm - Sweet Potato / Potato Puree + Veg Puree
230/3pm - Milk 180 mlNap (1.5-2hrs)
530/6pm - Cereal(4 scoops) + Fruit Puree
630pm - Washup
730 pm - Milk 190 ml & Bedtime

Playing in his playpen

Getting his hair washed by Daddy

Satified with his bath

Biting on his teething biscuit

Trying out his sippy cup
Baby Yogurt - New Packaging!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Introduction to Semi-Solids

We've started to wean the boy on semi-solids last Tues, just a day before he turned six months old. His first taste was brown rice cereal and he didn't really fancy it. He was not quite good with his tongue reflex to swallow the food so in the end after a few spoons he started buu-buu-ing out, what a mess! Thereafter I made fresh apple puree for him and he took it very well.

We figured he just needed practice and exposure so after 1 wk he's getting use to the cereal, he can now take 2.5(milk scoop) and 1tbsp of fruit/veg puree. But he's not so easy to feed as he loves to put things besides food in his mouth and gets irritable when he sits too long in the feeding chair, plus his tongue reflex is not so good yet. Hopefully he learns to love eating his food!

So far I've made the following for him : apple, pear, white peach, apricot, pumpkin, japanese sweet potato and carrots.  Will let him try out avocado and some peas later on.
Freshly blended puree

My supply of Rafferty Garden from Australia
Getting ready for his meal

Friday, March 4, 2011

Playtime - play play play

He's lots of fun to play with right now! He still loves munching on his toys and grabing onto things within his reach. Since the play mat is getting rather small for him and he keeps rolling out of it, rented an exersaucer for him so that he can self entertain himself safely with the toys.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jasper @ 6 mths old

Physically and mentally:
  • Keeps head level when pulled to a sitting position
  • Sits with minimal support (when he is seated on his chair)
  • Holds chest up, arm support
  • Holds bottle for feeding (he can hold but will pull it away)
  • Opens mouth for spoon (not very readily yet)
  • Rolls over and back
  • Recognizes own name
  • Displays excitement when seeing his toys ir. kicking legs, move arms
  • Can reach out for an object
Language and emotions:
  • Laughs out loud without being tickled

  • Imitates facial expressions

Daily Schedule :

6/630am - Milk 150 ml
830am - Bathtime
1030am/11am - Milk 150 ml
Nap (45mins)
12pm - Veg Puree + Fruit Puree
230/3pm - Milk 180 ml
Nap (2hrs)
6pm - Cereal + Fruit
630pm - Washup
7 pm - Milk 180 ml & Bedtime

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blogger out of office

It's been a while since I've posted updates on the boy... all because I was sick and had to be hospitalised right after CNY!  Talk about my kids falling sick I also didn't escape the sick bug, had severe tonsillitis which resulted me having fever for almost a week. Saw the GP prior to being hospitalised but I think the bug was too super that the meds couldn't work and I started to vomit.  So in order not to spread to anyone at home and ensure speedy recovery I checked myself into the hospital. After 6 days 5 nights of drip, antibiotics, paracetamol and rest at Mt A. I finally got to go home to my family.

Thereafter I've been busy with work and the kids as such too tired to blog - after they have all gone to bed I also KO. So this explains my non updates for the blog...

So here I am finally and hopefully back at blogging.