Monday, June 20, 2011

Photo Project

Just finished doing up a picture book for the boy over the week. It's been fun selecting pictures and designing the pages. Was a bit pressed for time since there was a 50% discount on all photobooks this June but fortunately I was able to complete and send in the order. Hope it turns out nice!!!

In the meantime I'm also looking out for good lobangs for studio photoshoots, as we would like to do one for him before he turns one! They're so cute at this age and it's really nice to capture them in print professional so that you can look back and have fond memories...

Here's a  preview of the photobook I did:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

9 month assessment and health check

Today we brought the boy for his 9 month old assessment at the polyclinic. This included a hearing test as well as some developmental checks (i.e. standing on his own, response), and the boy passed with flying colors.  His development milestone is definitely faster than his big sister. He is now into crawling and crusing and wants to be let loose...

The next evening we brought him over to the PD for a check on the little bump on his left cheek, it appeared in mid Feb and has since became more obvious with a bluish tinge. We just wanted to confirm with the doc if it was anything at all. PD told us it looked like a sebaceous cyst as there was a blueish tinge to leave it alone as it was not harmful.  Nothing to apply and no possible causes- it just happens in some people. Some do disappear over time, if not when older just do a cosmetic surgery since it's on his face...  >.<
Anyway the boy was really happy and friendly when he saw the PD, she was quite taken to him as he laughed when she played peek a boo with him. She commented such a happy baby! Yes indeed his one very happy, charming boy.
Jasper Ever So Happy & Cheerful