Yesterday our dear son suddenly vomited out all of his dinner while drinking his bedtime milk. Could tell his stomach was churning and that it was not due to choking or coughing. He vomited another 2 times while I was trying to put him back to sleep, and later on every hour. Quickly searched online for some info on vomiting and got some useful info from Dr Sears. Really nothing much for us to do but wait out for him to stop vomiting and than give him fluids. It could either be a case of food poisoning or stomach flu. Fortunately he stopped vomitting after 2am and drank about 80ml of water before going back to sleep . We monitored his temperature and vomiting throughout the rest of the night, and while he had no signs of fever the next morning we brought him to see the PD anyhow to get a thorough check as well as medication. PD told us that he caught a minor stomach flu and should take some time to recover, so in the meantime to give him small meals and drink.
Anyway the chirpy boy was fine thereafter, just lost his appetite for the next couple of days. Didn't even have to take any of the prescribed medications. The bug however spread to Big Sister and she had it a bit worse than him- in terms of vomiting more and having a fever. Luckily it was a minor stomach flu for both of them, cause I know how terrible it feels to keep having to vomit uncontrollably.