Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Detailed Scan at 20 weeks

Detailed Scan was scheduled on 14 April 2010 at NUH.  Hubby was away in Amsterdam and coincidentally for No.1 he was also away in Thailand during the detailed scan.  Was telling him I will keep him in suspense on baby's gender! hee hee...

Waited for about 45mins before it was our turn, I was pretty excited to find out the gender.  Though if you ask me for my preference I really didn't have any in mind - tot a another girl would be good for Hazel but a boy would be something different for us parents. Sonographer did the scan and detected the heart, spine, legs, hands etc.. Finally scanned the genitals and I could see the little scrotum - aka birdie and sonographer confirmed we're expecting a baby boy. 

His Vital Stats @ 20 wks:
BPD: 47mm
HC: 167mm
AC: 148mm
Weight: 327grams

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