I was doing fine by the 1st day I could walk slowly to the toilet and pee - what a relieve. On the 2nd day I could walk better and actually passed motion and not feel painful with the stitches. Think this round my wound/stitches is not as big as the last round. So on the 3rd day Dr came to see me and allowed me to go back but I had to go to his clinic the next day for another check.
For Jasper, he was doing great. He could already suckle well in the delivery ward, in fact when he is hungry his mouth will open and search for "food"! So for Day 1 I did partial breastfeed; since not much milk yet and the rest at night would be good and Day 2 I started with full breastfeeding. His PD also did his routine check on Day 1 and told us all was good; his cries are strong, lungs are good, straight spine etc., he didn't exhibit any jaundice. Day 2 he was given his BCG and Hep B shots, still no signs of jaundice. Day 3 we did a blood test to see his jaundice level and it was at 9 so we were good to go home, as anything below 10 will be allowed home. But we would need to go back for a review on Saturday (Day 6), that's when the jaundice level usually peaks.
25 Aug (Day 3) - Back home.I started my confinement and had Mee Sua for lunch. Jasper would sleep most of the time after his 3hrly feeds, but when night time came he would be rather hungry and demanded for milk every 1-2hr instead. So I fed him, since he needed more fluids to flush out the jaundice. Suspect that he might be sleepy during the day so not taking enough thats why at night he needs to be fed.
26 Aug (Day 4)- Circumcision for the Boy. We went to my gynae for my review as well as for Jasper's circumcision. After checking on me, Dr proceeded to "chase" us away as he performed the circumcision which would take about 10mins. So we went downstairs for breakfast and after we were done went up to fetch the boy. According to the nurse he was well behaved but "complained" a little. Back home same thing, breastfeed him and middle of the night his hunger pangs would come. Could also see that his face getting more yellow and his eyes were abit yellowish.
27 Aug (Day 5) - Hospitalisation for the Boy. Went back to Mt A PD to check on his jaundice level and results showed that the level was very high at 19. So we had to admit him into the hospital for light therapy, this will usually take 2 days for the jaundice level to drop. We were back at the Nursery to admit baby, nurses were very reassuring, we could call the direct line to check on baby's feeding time and they would wait for us to come in to feed baby. We opted to give him formula milk and send over whatever expressed breastmilk (ebm) I could pump out as well as direct latch him when we visited him. So for the next 2 days the boy would be away from us after only 5 days since he was born. We went over to the hospital that evening, bringing along Hazel to pass the ebm to the nurse as well as to latch him. We spend about an hour with him. Once home I was busy pumping every 3 hrs, to ensure milk ss didn't drop.
28 Aug (Day 6) - Dr called around noon to inform us that Jasper's jaundice has drop to 12.3, which was very good. Told us not to worry and rest well. Visited him at the hospital at noon and latch him on. Spend sometime with him and therafter we headed home as MIL was coming over. Continued pumping milk. But got much more rest since the boy was not around. Was also able to spend sometime with No.1 as well, which made her feel less threatened.
29 Aug (Day 7) - Boy is fit for Home. Hubby's Paternity Leave ended and he went back to work so I headed to hospital on my own to check on Jasper and breastfeed him. On my way over, nurse called me to say baby could be discharge today, his jaundice has gone done to 7.3. Informed hubby and he said he'll come over during lunch time to ferry us back. Before we discharge we spoke to the Dr he informed us that tho. the jaundice has gone down by quite alot, it will still come back the next few days and told us not to be alarm, just need to go back and review the level next Mon. His skin was also peeling due to the light therapy. So we were back home with the boy by noon time, and we continued on his 3hrly feed with additional milk top ups to keep him hydrated.
With the nurses at the Clinic before his Circumcision |
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