Friday, January 28, 2011

Teethers for my little man

Saw these 2 very cute sesame street teethers online and thought it would  be great for my little man since he loves grabbing things and putting them into his mouth. I've just recieve it yesterday and I can't wait for him to try them, he has been using his 姐姐's combi teether which he loves to bits.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jasper @ 5 mths

Physically and mentally

• More observant of small objects

• Able to see clearly across the room

• Uses hands more confidently (usually in a raking fashion) to bring objects closer

• Transfers objects from hand to hand

• Pushes away if he/ she dislikes what you are doing (wiping off drool, etc)
• Sits with support - keeps leaning forward to sit

 Language and emotions

• Babbles more often

• Experiments with new noises by changing shape of mouth

• Laughs when tickled – belly laughs!
• Tries to imitate sounds
• Makes sputtering sounds

Friday, January 21, 2011

The News and our Babe

This morning, 2 articles in the ST newspaper caught my attention -  "Coughs, cold, fever at epidemic level" and " Baby died while lying on tummy".  While the first article explains why my kids were down with the flu bug last week, the 2nd article is really sad, especially when Jasper is around the same age as the baby. 

Now that the boy loves to tug and grab things, we are very wary of the napkins, blankets and pillows on his bed- just the other day we found him with the napkin covering his face, also he's into turning on his side / tummy while sleeping so we have to check on him more often.  We really have to be alert and keep our eyes on our baby, cause at this young age they are so helpless and their actions are so fast, you never know what they're up to the next minute!

Today we brought him to the PD for his 2nd 5-in-1 jab, Dr asked about his milk intake and sleep patterns, we told him the boy was drinking ok and able to sleep during the night. Anyways his progress was normal and no major issues. We'll wait till after CNY to see the surgeon about his swollen lymph node, most likely we'll remove it.

Good Morning! Still in his Jammies before we head out for the PD.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tough start to the year

2011 has begun but it has been a very tough start.  This week has been a trying and tiring week for me. I've gone back to work but my kids are still sick and hubby is overseas. 

On Monday, I was suppose to go back to work but alas, No.1 and 2 were still sick; No.1 with fever and No.2 cough.  Looking at the situation I figured that my mom probably can't handle 2 sick kids so I decided to postpone my 1st day to the next day, thinking that No.1's fever would subside since it was already Day3 of fever. But as the day went by her fever was still stubbornly around and No.2's cough was disturbingly loud which also interrupted his sleep and feeding. Anyway my gut feeeling was to bring them to see Dr Tan @ Kinderclinic Holland branch that night.

Dr checked the boy and said the boys lungs were clear, and was probably recovering from a viral infection since fever had subsided.  His cough was croup and the cough would get worse before getting back in the next few days.  He was prescrbed with 3ml prospan cough syrup and 1 ml zenmolin (to open up airways).  As for No.1, he checked her a few symtomps HFMD, Dengue and Kawasaki, but did not observed any of those in her.  Was told to monitor her till Day 5 (Wed), where it should go off but if it doesn't and fever goes up I should send her back for blood test etc... When we got back fed them with their meds. and the boy was still coughing during the night- poor babe.

Anyway after 2 days of the new med. the boy has stop his serious coughing and was able to sleep on tuesday night.  I'm crossing my fingers that he is getting better.  As for big sister, haiz the fever is still very much alive in her.  I will blog more about it in her blog.

When kids get sick you really wish you can take their place instead!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Flipping and Hair Loss

The boy has successfully flip on his own sometime yesterday or day before!

Oh and he is losing much of his baby hair, everyday his pillow has his hair soon I can see his shiny scalp. And mummy dearest here is also dropping lots of hair at the same time :P, they say when baby hair starts dropping so will mummy's - how true!

The boy is sick

On Wed, I  felt that his head was very warm in the evening whilst he was sitting against me, sensing something was not right immediately check his temperature and yup he was having a fever @ 38.5. Fed him paracetamol and gave him his milk before putting him to bed, and was glad he manage to finish his milk since more fluids is always better during fever time.  Throughout the night monitored his temperature, fever was still running and he was having some dry cough so he couldn't sleep well.

Haiz what a day to fall sick since the next day will be 姐姐first day at school! Hubby and I was totally zombiefied the next morning, but we had to stay fresh and cheery for our girl since it's her first day. We accompanied her to school and halfway hubby left and brought the boy to see the doc.  Doc said he caught a cold and thus running a fever, he said the next few days he may also have some discharge in his eyes and nose, fever should subside within 5 days.  So he was prescibed with saline drops, nose drops, paracetamol and cough syrup. He was able to drink his milk but decided to give him a smaller amount at a shorter interval. By night time his fever had subsided and he could sleep much better, since he didn't really wake to drink.  Today he was all smiles when I talked and played with him. Crossing my fingers that he is recovering well... He probably caught the cold last Sunday when we were out at a New year's BBQ gathering, it was raining and tho we manage to take some shelter he may have gotten some rain and wind.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

1st Christmas

Christmas eve at my Sis place :

Christmas Party at his Sis's place: