Friday, January 21, 2011

The News and our Babe

This morning, 2 articles in the ST newspaper caught my attention -  "Coughs, cold, fever at epidemic level" and " Baby died while lying on tummy".  While the first article explains why my kids were down with the flu bug last week, the 2nd article is really sad, especially when Jasper is around the same age as the baby. 

Now that the boy loves to tug and grab things, we are very wary of the napkins, blankets and pillows on his bed- just the other day we found him with the napkin covering his face, also he's into turning on his side / tummy while sleeping so we have to check on him more often.  We really have to be alert and keep our eyes on our baby, cause at this young age they are so helpless and their actions are so fast, you never know what they're up to the next minute!

Today we brought him to the PD for his 2nd 5-in-1 jab, Dr asked about his milk intake and sleep patterns, we told him the boy was drinking ok and able to sleep during the night. Anyways his progress was normal and no major issues. We'll wait till after CNY to see the surgeon about his swollen lymph node, most likely we'll remove it.

Good Morning! Still in his Jammies before we head out for the PD.

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